750 ML
Elaborately created from unfermented Muscat of Alexandria red grape juice, showcases a
radiant golden-red hue with a fine and mesmerizing effervescence.
This distinguished drink is noted for its lively bubbles, delivering an extraordinary
freshness and
It is a profoundly refreshing and harmoniously balanced beverage, ideal for
the sophisticated palate that seeks a blend of rich flavor and healthful enjoyment,
marking it as an impeccable selection for any elegant event.
To the eye
Gleaming golden-red color, effervescent and captivating.
To smell
Invigorating with an array of refined floral aromas complemented by a hint of
luscious red fruit scents.
Balanced and velvety, showcasing a delightful fusion of subtle red fruit tones
paired with a light sweetness, culminating in a satisfyingly smooth finish.
Final sensation
Both robust and revitalizing, offering a complex and refined flavor profile.
An outstanding choice for aperitifs, desserts, or as a sophisticated non-alcoholic
alternative for celebratory occasions.
Serving temperature
between 5 and 7º C to bring out the drink's rich flavors and guarantee a
refreshing experience